Behind every AI model there is data, and data is gold. We are experts in providing data services and creating real impact through AI. However, not everyone can or should just slap an AI tag and call it a day. Use our self-assessment file to find out how ready you are!

Am I ready for AI?
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data OR AI?

Data is the new gold

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the buzz around AI is louder than ever. But what many don't realize is that the foundation of every groundbreaking AI solution is data—robust, meticulously organized, and insightful data. At Sigli, we've been at the forefront of data services long before the current AI hype began. Our expertise in data engineering and science forms the backbone of sophisticated AI models that drive real-world impact.

Our hands-on experience with a broad spectrum of industries, from Healthcare to Finance and beyond, has taught us that the path to AI empowerment is unique for every organization. It's not just about adopting AI; it's about adapting your data landscape to fuel AI-driven growth.

unlock the power of ai

Discover the tools and techniques necessary to transform raw data into actionable intelligence, empowering you to make informed decisions that drive measurable results.

Big data

Techniques for analyzing extremely large data sets to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behavior and interactions. Can be used for market trend analysis, customer behavior prediction, and operational optimization.

Large Language Models (LLMs)

Implement LLMs to enhance customer support services by providing instant, accurate responses to inquiries and support requests. Can be used for content generation, code completion, and educational tutoring.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Involves extracting insights and knowledge from structured and unstructured data using scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems. Can be used for developing predictive models, analyzing customer behavior, and optimizing business processes.

Machine learning

Enables systems to learn from data, improving their accuracy over time without being explicitly programmed. Can be used for predictive maintenance, personalized marketing, and fraud detection.

Business intelligence

Combines business analytics, data mining, data visualization, data tools, and infrastructure, and best practices to help organizations make more data-driven decisions. Can be used for strategic decision-making, performance benchmarking, and customer insight gathering.

data science

Data science combines advanced analytics techniques and scientific principles to extract valuable insights from data, helping businesses make informed decisions and innovate. By leveraging statistical analysis, predictive modeling, and machine learning, data science transforms complex data sets into actionable intelligence that drives strategic business growth.

enterprise AI readiness

Evaluating a company’s competence in utilizing artificial intelligence to enhance business worth.

AI readiness whitepaper

Everyone is in a rush to implement AI solutions into their workflows, but few stop to ask whether they are ready to do so. Having observed dozens of clients we developed a whitepaper that helps you understand how ready you are for AI innovation, and what areas may need improvement beforehand. Based on our own expertise as well as insights from tech giants like Intel, this whitepaper aims to provide a robust self-assessment framework for companies looking to implement AI solutions.
Understanding the AI journey
Foundational Readiness
Operational Readiness
Innovation Readiness
Enabling Capabilitis
Download the whitepaper
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challenges we solve

Transforming Complex Obstacles into Innovative Opportunities

AI-powered education

AI algorithms analyze individual student performance and learning styles to tailor educational content and pacing to each student's needs. This personalized approach helps increase engagement, improve learning outcomes, and can drastically reduce dropout rates in educational institutions.

Claims Processing Automation

AI streamlines the claims processing workflow in the insurance industry by automating the extraction and analysis of data from claims documents. This reduces processing time, minimizes human error, and speeds up resolution times, improving customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Personalized recommendations

AI leverages consumer data to deliver highly personalized marketing messages and product recommendations. By understanding consumer behavior patterns and preferences, retailers can enhance the shopping experience and increase sales through targeted advertising and tailored product offerings.

Enhanced Credit Scoring

Utilize AI to develop more sophisticated credit scoring models that incorporate a wider range of data points, including non-traditional data such as mobile phone usage or rental payment histories. This allows financial institutions to better assess borrower risk and extend credit to underserved populations.

Predictive Market Analytics

AI tools analyze trends and predict future market conditions in real estate, helping investors and realtors make informed decisions about when to buy, sell, or hold property assets. This predictive capability can optimize investment returns and minimize risks associated with market volatility.

Route Optimization

AI optimizes logistics and distribution strategies by analyzing traffic data, weather conditions, vehicle performance data, and schedules to determine the most efficient delivery routes. This not only reduces delivery times but also cuts fuel consumption and operational costs.


As you stand on the brink of digital transformation, a world of possibilities opens up, especially within the realm of AI. This journey, while exciting, often comes with a host of questions and uncertainties. Whether you're exploring how AI can benefit your business, understanding the significance of data, or simply curious about the process, we're here to illuminate the path ahead.

Person with laptop
What is artificial intelligence, and how does it differ from traditional software?
Artificial intelligence refers to systems or machines that mimic human intelligence to perform tasks and can iteratively improve themselves based on the information they collect. These applications can include learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, and language understanding.

The key difference between artificial intelligence and traditional software lies in their operation. Traditional software functions based on explicit instructions provided by humans—it will only do what it's programmed to do. In contrast, AI systems are designed to learn from data and decisions, making them capable of developing new behaviors and adapting to changing circumstances without direct human intervention.

At Sigli, we integrate artificial intelligence technologies to enhance software solutions, making them not only responsive but also intuitive, providing a more dynamic and predictive approach to meeting business needs.
Why is data considered so important for AI solutions?
Data is the foundation of all artificial intelligence systems. AI algorithms require large amounts of data to learn from so they can make accurate predictions and decisions. This learning process, known as machine learning, involves analyzing and interpreting patterns and structures in data to develop models that can perform specific tasks, such as recognizing speech, translating languages, or predicting customer behavior.

Without robust and relevant data, AI systems cannot learn effectively, which may lead to inaccurate outputs or failures in decision-making. Therefore, the quality, quantity, and diversity of data directly influence the performance and reliability of AI solutions.

At Sigli, we focus on making data actionable by tailoring our data strategies to align closely with business objectives. We help clients transform raw data into valuable insights that drive decision-making and create real business value, ensuring that their investments in AI are both effective and impactful.
How can my business benefit from AI, and what are the risks?
Automating complex processes, enhancing decision-making, and providing unprecedented insights into customer behaviors and market trends are just some examples of how businesses already benefit from AI. It can lead to significant improvements in efficiency, cost reduction, and customer satisfaction, driving competitive advantage and innovation.

However, implementing AI is not without risks. These include the potential for bias and inaccuracies due to flawed data or algorithmic design, which can undermine the effectiveness of AI solutions. Additionally, there is the risk of significant financial investment without achieving the expected value, especially if the AI implementation is not well-aligned with the business’s specific needs and conditions.

At Sigli, we understand the dual aspects of AI integration. We work closely with our clients to harness the power of AI while mitigating associated risks. By focusing on rigorous data validation, ethical algorithm design, and aligning AI strategies directly with core business objectives, we ensure that our AI solutions are not only powerful but also deliver tangible business value.
How does Sigli ensure the quality and security of its AI solutions?

In our commitment to delivering exceptional AI solutions, Sigli adopts a robust approach modeled after the Quality Assurance Guidelines for AI Systems by Toshiba.

5 Axes of Quality Assurance:

  • Data: We prioritize the accuracy and privacy of the data, essential for building dependable AI models.
  • Model: Our AI models are rigorously evaluated to ensure they meet precise specifications and are capable of robust performance.
  • System: We design systems with resilience and security at their core, ensuring they reliably support the AI applications.
  • Development Process: Our development processes are in line with established standards, incorporating consistent reviews and adaptability to enhance quality.
  • Customer: We actively incorporate customer feedback to refine and align our AI solutions with client requirements and expectations.

Stakeholder Involvement:

  • AI Planning Team: Strategic alignment of AI solutions with overarching business goals is our planning team's priority.
  • AI Analyst Team: Provides in-depth analysis to support informed decision-making throughout the AI system's lifecycle.
  • AI System Engineering Team: Engineers systems with a preemptive approach to security and scalability.
  • AI System Operation Team: Dedicated to the smooth and secure operation of AI systems post-implementation.
  • Quality Assurance Team: Our QA team ensures the highest quality of our AI solutions through exhaustive testing and validation.

Development Stage Oversight:

  • AI Business Consideration: Every AI solution is vetted for its strategic contribution to the business, ensuring a significant return on investment.
  • AI Model Development: Developed ethically and responsibly, our models are scrutinized to prevent biases and inaccuracies.
  • AI System Development: The development process is safeguarded with the latest security measures to prevent potential breaches.
  • AI System Operation: We monitor AI systems rigorously to ensure ongoing efficiency and security.

Sigliguarantees AI solutions that are not only effective and advanced but are alsoaligned with international standards of quality and security.

Can AI solutions be integrated with my existing processes?
Yes, artificial intelligence excels at optimizing business processes, but the level of integration success depends greatly on a company's readiness for AI. If your organization is well-prepared, the incorporation of AI can be mostly seamless, significantly enhancing efficiency and decision-making capabilities. Conversely, companies that haven't laid the necessary groundwork might find that premature AI integration causes more setbacks than benefits.

Recognizing these varied levels of preparedness, Sigli offers a comprehensive self-assessment tool to determine how AI-ready your business is. This resource will help you identify key areas that need attention to facilitate a smooth transition to AI-enhanced processes. Should you need further assistance beyond the self-assessment, we at Sigli are here to guide you through the entire process, ensuring that AI solutions are integrated effectively into your business operations and deliver their intended benefits.
How does Sigli approach ethical concerns and bias in AI?
AI itself does not possess inherent biases; rather, these biases stem from the data on which AI models are trained. Our commitment to ethical AI begins with rigorous scrutiny and understanding of the data sources we utilize, ensuring they are comprehensive and representative to avoid skewed outputs.

We prioritize transparency throughout our AI development process. This involves clear documentation of our methodologies and decision-making processes, which promotes accountability and allows for the identification and rectification of any biases that may arise. This is supported by our ISO certification, which underscores our adherence to stringent international standards in our development processes.

our Resources

19 min watch

The AI trajectory

Discover how cutting-edge AI technologies empower dyslexic learners by bridging the gap between written content and spoken language
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Data and AI
1 hour read

Transforming Education Through Personalization

Learn how AI is revolutionizing the education landscape, offering personalized learning experiences
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Unlocking AI’s power to improve lives and foster a more inclusive world
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